Community Of HIV Patients Who Want to Transmit HIV Skip to main content

Community Of HIV Patients Who Want to Transmit HIV

Hello everyone, today I will tell you something about HIV but I really forgot the source of this statement, but I remember what the purpose of the community is, but before I will give you a little about HIV / AIDS that you probably know most

first HIV / AIDS is a disease that destroys human white blood cells and makes our immunity decline and AIDS is a collection of diseases that come our bodies, but we can not see all the symptoms / traits characteristic of HIV is not it? and here is the beginning of the last information I remember.

I know this article has no strong evidence but I've found this community in deepweb or they can be categorized into the Dark Web, I found community of HIV sufferers who have the main purpose of spreading the HIV virus and of course you know how the virus can be channeled is not it? yes, by sex, it is not my intention to spread slander, this information itself I first found on youtube about 5 months ago where there is a youtuber who I do not remember his name as well (I'm sorry:) has shown the dark side of the deepweb along with contents, one of which is this HIV-spreading community, and they have their own simple-looking Website with backgrounds / collections of people hand in hand.

I just want you to be careful with some people who you invite to have sex, although people with HIV sometimes do not realize he contracted the disease, it's good if you are definitely with your partner, then get married and make sure beforehand that your partner does not have HIV, and again I'm sorry I do not know where this community is, because they are all made up of people all over the world, I also do not know how they unite to spread a Virus through a "Pleasure", I just want to say be careful to people just you know, I mean, look at some diseases suffered by people around the world, there are very rare and can be contagious and anyone can make you disabled for life, it's all because of HIV / AIDS, we know sex is delicious but if we are too often do it by changing pairs without thinking he is "sterile" it will be very ber danger to your future is not it? because HIV does not have a specific sign for the sufferer and the sufferer does not feel it even if it is easy and often even mild disease, he will not realize it without testing HIV.

HIV / AIDS does not have a drug, it's just a drug to prevent the development of a virus / disease in your body, so you should take this drug for the rest of your life if you have it, lucky if the patient has a body that remains healthy without a " Tameng Immune ".

ONCE AGAIN I SAY, THIS ARTICLES ARE NOT COMPLETE TO SPREAD THE SLANDER BUT I WRITE IT BECAUSE THERE IS SOMETHING WHICH WE ARE WARNING ME A INDIANA HAD BEEN AWARE FOR SUCCESS REDUCING HIV PATIENTS FROM YEARS TO YEARS. if you do not believe you can find your own information about this Community from a variety of different search engines or find out from the youtuber of deepweb divers on youtube.

I'm writing this because I think it's very important, and I also hope this community of sexual crimes is no longer active,
I promise if I find the source I will make a new article about this community.

[icture from : womenshealth


  1. I was diagnosed as HEPATITIS B carrier in 2013 with fibrosis of the
    liver already present. I started on antiviral medications which
    reduced the viral load initially. After a couple of years the virus
    became resistant. I started on HEPATITIS B Herbal treatment from
    ULTIMATE LIFE CLINIC ( in March, 2020. Their
    treatment totally reversed the virus. I did another blood test after
    the 6 months long treatment and tested negative to the virus. Amazing
    treatment! This treatment is a breakthrough for all HBV carriers.


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