Have you ever gone to a clinic during sick to check your permission and see the results of a doctor's analysis? have you ever seen the term foreign term in the doctor's analasia results? or have you ever seen a foreign term in a doctor's prescription? , this time I will menoughjakan beerapa important terminology in the medical world, this is the thing asya tau, maybe there are still hundreds of more Medical terms because the development of medical science continues to grow in line with the handling of new diseases / old diseases The following are important Medical Terms: - Antiseptic: Deadly germs - Analgetics: Eliminate Pain - Aboetivum: Causes Miscarriage (Only Mungin Women Who Have Problems with their drinking contents) - Antelment: Dissolves / Discharges Worms (Diet Tapeworms also need to take this medicine to remove it / Wormy child also takes a drug with this nature) - Antidote: Fight / bidder during poisoning - Antiperiodic: Prevent illnesses tha...
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