Salmonella is a kind of bacteria that interfere with the digestive process in the human stomach and the disorder is divided in various kinds of pain such as cramps, diarrhea, just stomach pain and so on but do you know there is a new bacteria found by the researchers this end that is similar to the bacteria salmonella? this discovery was discovered by researchers in Louisiana, where they discovered a new bacterium that looked like salmonella, this bacterium had taken 127 people into the hospital and killed one of them on Friday, all the symptoms they experienced were almost similar to salmonella apparently not the bacteria terebut the unnamed bacterium is arguably the twin or even evolution of salmonella itself, whereas for prevention, the Louisiana government urges its citizens to wash their hands before eating and cooking the meat / eggs until they are properly cooked. salmonella is not a bacteria that is too dangerous, and people who contracted salmonellosis bsia heale...
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